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Detect Multiple LEDs and their flashing frequency

Hi All,

I am new to openCV. I am trying to detect the position and frequency of multiple LEDs using OpenCV. Kindly guide me how can I achieve the same? I couldn't use the HSV conversion method because there may be other lights brighter than LED as well. Here is the basic logic. 1. LEDs are flashing at predefined rate. My camera has been set to 90 fps and the LEDs have frequency of 90Hz, 45Hz, 30Hz and 15Hz ( these frequencies and camera frame rate are known parameters ) 2. Now I need to find the location of these lights within camera frame in any lightning condition. Be it night where the light is the brightest in the room or be it sunlight where it may not be the brightest object in the scene.

I would appreciate the help.

Detect Multiple LEDs and their flashing frequency

Hi image description(/upfiles/14337421785288362.jpg)Hi All,

I am new to openCV. I am trying to detect the position and frequency of multiple LEDs using OpenCV. Kindly guide me how can I achieve the same? I couldn't use the HSV conversion method because there may be other lights brighter than LED as well. Here is the basic logic. 1. LEDs are flashing at predefined rate. My camera has been set to 90 fps and the LEDs have frequency of 90Hz, 45Hz, 30Hz and 15Hz ( these frequencies and camera frame rate are known parameters ) 2. Now I need to find the location of these lights within camera frame in any lightning condition. Be it night where the light is the brightest in the room or be it sunlight where it may not be the brightest object in the scene.

I would appreciate the help.

Detect Multiple LEDs and their flashing frequency

image descriptionimage description(/upfiles/14337421785288362.jpg)Hi All,

I am new to openCV. I am trying to detect the position and frequency of multiple LEDs using OpenCV. Kindly guide me how can I achieve the same? I couldn't use the HSV conversion method because there may be other lights brighter than LED as well. Here is the basic logic. 1. LEDs are flashing at predefined rate. My camera has been set to 90 fps and the LEDs have frequency of 90Hz, 45Hz, 30Hz and 15Hz ( these frequencies and camera frame rate are known parameters ) 2. Now I need to find the location of these lights within camera frame in any lightning condition. Be it night where the light is the brightest in the room or be it sunlight where it may not be the brightest object in the scene.

I would appreciate the help.

Detect Multiple LEDs and their flashing frequency

C:\fakepath\code.pngimage descriptionimage description(/upfiles/14337421785288362.jpg)Hi All,

I am new to openCV. I am trying to detect the position and frequency of multiple LEDs using OpenCV. Kindly guide me how can I achieve the same? I couldn't use the HSV conversion method because there may be other lights brighter than LED as well. Here is the basic logic. 1. LEDs are flashing at predefined rate. My camera has been set to 90 fps and the LEDs have frequency of 90Hz, 45Hz, 30Hz and 15Hz ( these frequencies and camera frame rate are known parameters ) 2. Now I need to find the location of these lights within camera frame in any lightning condition. Be it night where the light is the brightest in the room or be it sunlight where it may not be the brightest object in the scene.

I would appreciate the help.