I try to train the licence plate car and licence plate motorcycle with OpenCv version 2.4.10.
I have a 235 images positives and a 300 negative images.
For positive images the licence plate car the real size is 40 cm x 13 cm and licence plate motorcycle have real size 20 cm x 17 cm. When tried to train the vectors separately the software works fine, but when I tried to train utilizing the two plates, the software doesn't work.
Here is the utilized code of training.
This code works with a licence plate car, but doesn't works with licence plate motorcycle
createsamples -info c:\harrkit\HAARKITV10\povitivos\info.txt -vec vetor\veiculos_64x24.vec -num 235 -w 64 h 24
trainCascade -data cascade -vec c:\harrkit\HAARKITV10\vetor\veiculos_64x24.vec -bg c:\harrkit\HAARKITV10\negativos\negativos.txt -numPos 235 -numNeg 200 -numStages 12 -featureTyp HAAR -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -w 64 -h 24