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Kmeans algorithm stops without exception

Hi everyone,

I'm using OpenCV 2.4.3 in Ubuntu (12.10) in the following way:

Mat points = Mat(total_rows, 128, CV_32F, descritores);
Mat labels;
int clusterCount = k;
int dimensions = points.cols;
int sampleCount = points.rows;
int num_iterations = 2;
kmeans(points, clusterCount, labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, num_iterations, 1.0), 10, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);

But suddenly the program stops when its executing kmeans, without showing an exception or error. Descritores is a float pointer, and I verified that points is being initialized in a correct way. Points.cols = 950173 and points.rows = 128. My pc has 16 GB of ram, so I don't think is a memory problem. Could you please help me to understand the error? Is there any limit to the size of the data kmeans can handle? If some more details are needed, just ask me. Thanks.

Kmeans algorithm stops without exception

Hi everyone,

I'm using OpenCV 2.4.3 in Ubuntu (12.10) in the following way:

Mat points = Mat(total_rows, 128, CV_32F, descritores);
Mat labels;
int clusterCount = k;
int dimensions = points.cols;
int sampleCount = points.rows;
int num_iterations = 2;
kmeans(points, clusterCount, labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, num_iterations, 1.0), 10, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);

But suddenly the program stops when its it is executing kmeans, without showing an exception or error. Descritores is a float pointer, and I verified that points is being initialized in a correct way. Points.cols = 950173 and points.rows = 128. My pc has 16 GB of ram, so I don't think is a memory problem. Could you please help me to understand the error? Is there any limit to the size of the data kmeans can handle? If some more details are needed, just ask me. Thanks.

click to hide/show revision 3
fixed number of rows and cols

Kmeans algorithm stops without exception

Hi everyone,

I'm using OpenCV 2.4.3 in Ubuntu (12.10) in the following way:

Mat points = Mat(total_rows, 128, CV_32F, descritores);
Mat labels;
int clusterCount = k;
int dimensions = points.cols;
int sampleCount = points.rows;
int num_iterations = 2;
Mat centers(clusterCount, 128, CV_32F/*points.type()*/);
kmeans(points, clusterCount, labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, num_iterations, 1.0), 10, KMEANS_PP_CENTERS, centers);

But suddenly the program stops when it is executing kmeans, without showing an exception or error. Descritores is a float pointer, and I verified that points is being initialized in a correct way. Points.cols = 950173 128 and points.rows = 128. 950173. My pc has 16 GB of ram, so I don't think is a memory problem. Could you please help me to understand the error? Is there any limit to the size of the data kmeans can handle? If some more details are needed, just ask me. Thanks.