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OpenCV_traincascade monster RAM usage

Hello, I just put my flower classifier for training with opencv_traincascade utility. Here is the status :
image description

Can anybody tell me how much time it is gonna take? Is HOG gonna take less then a day?
My specs are pretty low:

The RAM usage in the pic is with Firefox RAM usage included.
Also, can I press ctrl+C to abort the training and Resume later?

OpenCV_traincascade monster RAM usage

Hello, I just put my flower classifier for training with opencv_traincascade utility. Here is the status :
image description

Can anybody tell me how much time it is gonna take? Is HOG LBP gonna take less then a day?day?(How much approx?)
My specs are pretty low:

The RAM usage in the pic is with Firefox RAM usage included.
Also, can I press ctrl+C to abort the training and Resume later?

OpenCV_traincascade monster RAM usage

Hello, I just put my flower classifier for training with opencv_traincascade utility. Here is the status :
image description

Can anybody tell me how much time it is gonna take? Is LBP gonna take less then a day?(How much approx?)
My specs are pretty low:

The RAM usage in the pic is with Firefox RAM usage included.
Also, can I press ctrl+C to abort the training and Resume later?

P.S : Here is the command I used,

opencv_traincascade -data classifier -vec samples1.vec -bg negatives.txt -numStages 20 -minHitRate 0.999 -maxFalseAlarmRate 0.5 -numPos 10000 -numNeg 8188 -w 60 -h 60 -mode ALL -precalcValBufSize 512 -precalcIdxBufSize 512