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regarding center-surround filter

I am trying to learn and implement the center-surround filter used in image anlysis and processing. of course i made research but the litratures i read offered explanation which still not clear and lacks clariy of te most of that filter's aspects, such as, 1-the min and max raduis f the cener in pixels 2-the min and the max radius of he surround in pixels 3-whether shoud be an over lap or not, 4-how to calculate he surround? questions like that..

kindly please provide a peseudo code or clear explanation of that filter used in image processin.

regarding center-surround filter

I am trying to learn and implement the center-surround filter used in image anlysis and processing. of course i made research but the litratures i read offered explanation which still not clear and lacks clariy of te most of that filter's aspects, such as,

1-the min and max raduis f the cener in pixels

2-the min and the max radius of he surround in pixels

3-whether shoud be an over lap or not,

4-how to calculate he surround? questions like that..

kindly please provide a peseudo code or clear explanation of that filter used in image processin.