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Display images larger than screen resolution: scrollbar window ?

I am dealing with images larger than my screen resolution. When I read them with the flag cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE I can not see the full image. However, I do not want to use cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL flag or the resize() function because I do not want to loose any information of my image.

Is there a way to show a large picture using OpenCV in its full size ? Ideally I wonder if there is a way to display a large image in a OpenCV window that can have a scroll bar in order to be able to scroll down the image and see it fully.

Thank you in advance for any hints

Display images larger than screen resolution: scrollbar window ?

I am dealing with images larger than my screen resolution. When I read them with the flag cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE I can not see the full image. However, I do not want to use cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL flag or the resize() resize() function because I do not want to loose any information of my image.

Is there a way to show a large picture using OpenCV in its full size ? Ideally I wonder if there is a way to display a large image in a OpenCV window that can have a scroll bar bar in order to be able to scroll down the image and see it fully.

Thank you in advance for any hints