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Is there any OpenCV build options to reduce the resulting apk file?

Hello everyone,

I'm implementing an android app based on native opencv modules. Despite I use a very little number of opencv native modules, the resulting apk size is very big due to file deriving from building process. So, is there any way to reduce this apk size? Is there any build option that can be used to exclude the unused modules?

Thank you.

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updated 2015-04-09 03:58:57 -0600

berak gravatar image

Is there any OpenCV build options to reduce the resulting apk file?

Hello everyone,

I'm implementing an android app based on native opencv modules. Despite I use a very little number of opencv native modules, the resulting apk size is very big due to file deriving from building process. So, is there any way to reduce this apk size? Is there any build option that can be used to exclude the unused modules?

Thank you.