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training cascade with minimum time possible

I have an Intel i5 processor with 8gb RAM. Ubuntu 14.04. I am working on cascade training with LBP on openCV 2.4.9. Training takes hell lot of time. After waiting for a week to train cascade, its really painful to see it not working correctly and figuring out that it needs to be trained on more samples.

I tried installing opencv with TBB (thread building block) with no notable advantage in training. What else can I do for making it more time efficient. ?

I found a link demonstrating the use of openMP. Is openMP better than TBB ? Any tutorial for reference. Any help would really be very helpul.

training cascade with minimum time possibletraincascade : openMP vs Intel's TBB ?

I have an Intel i5 processor with 8gb RAM. Ubuntu 14.04. I am working on cascade training with LBP on openCV 2.4.9. Training takes hell lot of time. After waiting for a week to train cascade, its really painful to see it not working correctly and figuring out that it needs to be trained on more samples.

I tried installing opencv with TBB (thread building block) with no notable advantage in training. What else can I do for making it more time efficient. ?

I found a link demonstrating the use of openMP. Is openMP better than TBB ? Any tutorial for reference. Any help would really be very helpul.