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Cascade Classifier tutorial runtime crash

I've been playing around with the Cascade Classifier tutorial. I'm encountering a runtime crash on the second detectMultiScale call. That is to say, the detectMultiscale call to find faces works fine, and the whole thing will run and draw the figure as expected without the call to find eyes. However calling it to find the eyes crashes it.

I only have limited experience with OpenCV (just a few projects), and it's quite possible I'm missing something obvious. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

First I considered the issue might be with the "haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml" file, but that came with the package. So I'm guessing either I'm linking something I shouldn't be or missing something I should be. Either that or it's the beta package, but I have more faith in whomever threw that together!

Unhandled exception at 0x027A3423 in OpenCV project 1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x423F4924. Which I realize isn't very helpful. The Call Stack points to "OpenCV project 1.exe!cv::HaarEvaluator::OptFeature::calc(const int * ptr) Line 393." Well outside my own code.

Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 (v 12.0.30501.00 Update 2) OpenCV 3.0.0 beta Windows 7 64bit

Linking the following in debug: IlmImfd.lib ippicvmt.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib libwebpd.lib opencv_calib3d300d.lib opencv_core300d.lib opencv_features2d300d.lib opencv_flann300d.lib opencv_highgui300d.lib opencv_imgcodecs300d.lib opencv_imgproc300d.lib opencv_objdetect300d.lib opencv_ml300d.lib opencv_photo300d.lib opencv_shape300d.lib opencv_stitching300d.lib opencv_superres300d.lib opencv_ts300d.lib opencv_video300d.lib opencv_videoio300d.lib opencv_videostab300d.lib zlibd.lib comctl32.lib VFW32.lib

Just the opencv_* files didn't cut it, but I don't think they were supposed to, so I linked the rest, thinking it couldn't do much harm. Also had to link comctl32.lib and VFW32.lib to get things to work after some googling (I'm still not exactly clear why). Happens in both x86 or x64, debug and release. I've done my due diligence in looking around for solutions, but I've exhausted my options. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed?

Cascade Classifier tutorial runtime crash

I've been playing around with the Cascade Classifier tutorial. I'm encountering a runtime crash on the second detectMultiScale call. That is to say, the detectMultiscale call to find faces works fine, and the whole thing will run and draw the figure as expected without the call to find eyes. However calling it to find the eyes crashes it.

I only have limited experience with OpenCV (just a few projects), and it's quite possible I'm missing something obvious. Does anyone know what could be wrong?

First I considered the issue might be with the "haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses.xml" file, but that came with the package. So I'm guessing either I'm linking something I shouldn't be or missing something I should be. Either that or it's the beta package, but I have more faith in whomever threw that together!

Unhandled exception at 0x027A3423 in OpenCV project 1.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x423F4924. Which I realize isn't very helpful. The Call Stack points to "OpenCV project 1.exe!cv::HaarEvaluator::OptFeature::calc(const int * ptr) Line 393." Well outside my own code.

code. Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 (v 12.0.30501.00 Update 2) OpenCV 3.0.0 beta Windows 7 64bit


Linking the following in debug: debug:



Just the opencv_* files didn't cut it, but I don't think they were supposed to, so I linked the rest, thinking it couldn't do much harm. Also had to link comctl32.lib and VFW32.lib to get things to work after some googling (I'm still not exactly clear why). Happens in both x86 or x64, debug and release. I've done my due diligence in looking around for solutions, but I've exhausted my options. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed?