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traincascade.exe can’t work

I take a video file and extract the frames as images.The positive images are about 2444 images size of 120x120.Some of images in the positive set are similar. I have a negative set about 3300 images.When I enter the command “opencv_traincascade -data dt -vec train.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 1500 -numNeg 3000 -w 120 -h 120”, opencv_traincascade.exe can't work immediately. Is there a bug in the traincascade of Opencv 2411? Could you give me some advice?

traincascade.exe can’t work

I take a video file and extract the frames as images.The positive images are about 2444 images size of 120x120.Some of images in the positive set are similar. I The format of all images is PNG.I have a negative set about 3300 images.When I enter the command “opencv_traincascade -data dt -vec train.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 1500 -numNeg 3000 -w 120 -h 120”, opencv_traincascade.exe can't work immediately. Is there a bug in the traincascade of Opencv 2411? Could you give me some advice?

traincascade.exe can’t work

image.jpg I take a video file and extract the frames as images.The positive images are about 2444 images size of 120x120.Some of images in the positive set are similar. The format of all images is PNG.I have a negative set about 3300 images.When I enter the command “opencv_traincascade -data dt -vec train.vec -bg bg.txt -numPos 1500 -numNeg 3000 -w 120 -h 120”, opencv_traincascade.exe can't work immediately. Is there a bug in the traincascade of Opencv 2411? Could you give me some advice?