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Mat to int[] and vice versa

I'm completely new to this library, so apologize for my simple question. I'm using OpenCV library in Android. So Java.

Given this four variables and a :

    Mat srcMat, dstMat;
    int[] srcPixels, dstPixels;

    //... srcPixels filled with int values of pixels

   srcPixels conversion to srcMat

   Imgproc.warpPerspective(srcMat, dstMat, homographyMatrix, dstMat.size())

   dstMat conversion to dstPixels

this because i use int[] objects in order to display images.

Yes, i've already seen this question, but the answer is in c++ and does not really answer.

Mat to int[] and vice versa

I'm completely new to this library, so apologize for my simple question. I'm using OpenCV library in Android. So Java.

Given this four variables and a homographyMatrix :

    Mat srcMat, dstMat;
    int[] srcPixels, dstPixels;

    //... srcPixels filled with int values of pixels

   srcPixels conversion to srcMat

   Imgproc.warpPerspective(srcMat, dstMat, homographyMatrix, dstMat.size())

   dstMat conversion to dstPixels

this because i use int[] objects in order to display images.

Yes, i've already seen this question, but the answer is in c++ and does not really answer.