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Opencv 3.0 dev python documentation

Hi, After using the python binding for Opencv 3, I found quite a lots of features have been changed. For example the new drawKeypoints function is:

drawKeypoints(image, keypoints, outImage[, color[, flags]]) -> outImage

see the extra mandatory outImage argument (which does not make any sense) ? These extra changes are not really documented in the Opencv 3 python documentation.

Other than that the documentation in general is highly inconstant (for example they still use cv2.SIFT() instead of cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() and similarly cv2.ORB instead of cv2.ORB_create(). I was wondering when will they update the documentation? And why did they not update the documentation with the code changes?

Opencv 3.0 dev python documentation


After using the python binding for Opencv 3, I found quite a lots lot of features have been changed. For example the new drawKeypoints function is:

drawKeypoints(image, keypoints, outImage[, color[, flags]]) -> outImage

see the extra mandatory outImage argument (which does not make any sense) ? These extra changes are not really documented in the Opencv 3 python documentation.

Other than that the documentation in general is highly inconstant (for example they still use cv2.SIFT() instead of cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() and similarly cv2.ORB instead of cv2.ORB_create(). I was wondering when will they update the documentation? And why did they not update the documentation with the code changes?