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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have a windows 7 (64 bit) machine. VS 2012 IDE. C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib (added to eliminate build error) comctl32.lib (added to eliminate build error)

Any Ideas???????????????

click to hide/show revision 2
Added a screenshot of the output errors...

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have a windows 7 (64 bit) machine. VS 2012 IDE. C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib (added to eliminate build error) comctl32.lib (added to eliminate build error) libcpmt.lib This created a build error needed to add "d" "libcpmtd.lib" to be debug library Advapi32.lib (added to eliminate build error)

These additional libraries still ended up with the same result... (see screen shot below) Capture-3.PNG

Any Ideas???????????????

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have a windows 7 (64 bit) machine. VS 2012 IDE. C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib (added to eliminate build error) comctl32.lib (added to eliminate build error) libcpmt.lib This created a build error needed to add "d" "libcpmtd.lib" to be debug library Advapi32.lib (added to eliminate build error)

These additional libraries still ended up with the same result... (see screen shot below) Capture-3.PNG


I have removed and reinstalled all programs. No issues with the build. Debug has several issues with the OpenCv source code. (I have referenced these with the above screenshot). Source files are there, directory files are referenced. I am not sure where to go with this other than try on VS 2010 IDE.
Any Ideas???????????????

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have a windows 7 (64 bit) machine. VS 2012 IDE. C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


"Additional Dependencies"

opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib (added to eliminate build error) comctl32.lib (added to eliminate build error) libcpmt.lib This created a build error needed to add "d" "libcpmtd.lib" to be debug library Advapi32.lib (added to eliminate build error)

These additional libraries still ended up with the same result... vfw32.lib comctl32.lib libcpmtd.lib

"Inherited Additional Dependencies"

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

(see screen shot below) Capture-3.PNG


I have removed and reinstalled all programs. No issues with the build. Debug has several issues with the OpenCv source code. (I have referenced these with the above screenshot). Source files are there, directory files are referenced. I am not sure where to go with this other than try on VS 2010 IDE.
Any Ideas???????????????

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have a windows 7 (64 bit) machine. VS bootcamped on Macbook Pro intel i7 chipset. Visual Studio 2012 IDE. Express For Desktop IDE (with latest update installed). C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


"Additional Dependencies"

opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib comctl32.lib libcpmtd.lib

"Inherited Additional Dependencies"

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

(see screen shot below) below)



I have removed and reinstalled all programs. No issues with the build. Debug has several issues with the OpenCv source code. (I have referenced these with the above screenshot). Source files are there, directory files are referenced. I am not sure where to go with this other than try on VS 2010 IDE.
Any Ideas???????????????

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have windows 7 (64 bit) bootcamped on Macbook Pro intel i7 chipset. Visual Studio 2012 Express For Desktop IDE (with latest update installed). C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


"Additional Dependencies"

opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib comctl32.lib libcpmtd.lib

"Inherited Additional Dependencies"

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

(see screen shot below)



I have removed and reinstalled all programs. No issues with the build. Debug has several issues with the OpenCv source code. (I have referenced these with the above screenshot). Source files are there, directory files are referenced. I am not sure where to go with this other than try on VS 2010 IDE.
Any Ideas???????????????Ideas Please Let Me Know???????????????

Unhandled Exception Continously Thrown

Capture.PNG Capture-2.PNG

I have been round and round with this issue with no luck. I have windows 7 (64 bit) bootcamped on Macbook Pro intel i7 chipset. Visual Studio 2012 Express For Desktop IDE (with latest update installed). C-Make file prep (chose x86 version for compatibility). Build was done in the x86 folder as an unshared project. Variable pointed to "install" file. Build completes fine (see below)...


Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)


"Additional Dependencies"

opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib opencv_flann243d.lib opencv_gpu243d.lib opencv_highgui243d.lib opencv_imgproc243d.lib opencv_legacy243d.lib opencv_ml243d.lib opencv_nonfree243d.lib opencv_objdetect243d.lib opencv_photo243d.lib opencv_stitching243d.lib opencv_ts243d.lib opencv_video243d.lib opencv_videostab243d.lib IlmImfd.lib libjasperd.lib libjpegd.lib libpngd.lib libtiffd.lib zlibd.lib vfw32.lib comctl32.lib libcpmtd.lib

"Inherited Additional Dependencies"

kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib

(see screen shot below)



I have removed and reinstalled all programs. No issues with the build. Debug has several issues with the OpenCv source code. (I have referenced these with the above screenshot). Source files are there, directory files are referenced. I am not sure where to go with this other than try on VS 2010 IDE.
Any Ideas Please Let Me Know???????????????Know??????????????? Last pictures shows unresolved problems still exists..
