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New user, need some basic help

I just started using OpenCV for my application which I am upgrading from VC++ 6 to VS2008 64bit. I successfully compiled the libraries in both 32bit and 64bit flavors and then wrote a simple Win32 application to read from a usb video grabber into a OpenCV Mat datatype and display it on OpenCV window. Everything seems working fine.

Now to include it to my program, all I want it to do is to grab frames from a framegrabber (for now). For this I want to do the following apart from doing the necessary stuff (videocapture, read etc)

I would like to assign the 'data' in my Mat to a user defined uchar* and read the frames directly into it for quick access. Is it possible to accomplish this? If so, how? Next, how can read the number of channels, bit depth and frame size?
