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bounding rectangle for haar cascades

hello, sorry if this is a dumb question but for making cascades you must use positive images. i plan to use our own images, of an animal for an animal identification software, and according to the cascade tutorial (middle of the page), i must make a file that lists where the positive object is in the image. it says to label the x,y coordinates as well as the height and width of a bounding rectangle. i dont understand how i would get all those parameters manually and the tutorial doesn't seem to mention it either.

also, any advice on how i would get all those parameters as quickly as possible? thank you in advance.

bounding rectangle for haar cascades

hello, sorry if this is a dumb question but for making cascades you must use positive images. i plan to use our own images, of an animal for an animal identification software, and according to the cascade tutorial (middle of the page), i must make a file that lists where the positive object is in the image. it says to label the x,y coordinates as well as the height and width of a bounding rectangle. i dont understand how i would get all those parameters manually and the tutorial doesn't seem to mention it either.

also, any advice on how i would get all those parameters as quickly as possible? thank you in advance.