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What type of gpuMat is needed for gpu version of erode function?

I have a following code:

    cv::Mat klabelsMat;
    cv::Mat klabelsMat32(height, width, CV_32SC1, segMask);
    klabelsMat32.convertTo(klabelsMat, CV_8UC1);
    cv::gpu::GpuMat gpuMat;

    int SizeStrElem3 = 3;
    cv::Mat  strElem3 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE, cv::Size(SizeStrElem3, SizeStrElem3));

    cv::gpu::erode(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::dilate(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::dilate(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::erode(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);;

    klabelsMat.convertTo(klabelsMat32, CV_32SC1);
    memcpy((char*)segMask, (char*), width*height*4 );

I have a segMask which is a integer array containing zeros and ones I want to apply the gpu version of erode and dilate to it, but it doesn't work. The CUDA crash at the first erode. Why does it not work?

What type of gpuMat is needed for gpu version of erode function?

I have a following code:

    cv::Mat klabelsMat;
    cv::Mat klabelsMat32(height, width, CV_32SC1, segMask);
    klabelsMat32.convertTo(klabelsMat, CV_8UC1);
    cv::gpu::GpuMat gpuMat;

    int SizeStrElem3 = 3;
    cv::Mat  strElem3 = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE, cv::Size(SizeStrElem3, SizeStrElem3));

    cv::gpu::erode(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::dilate(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::dilate(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);
    cv::gpu::erode(gpuMat, gpuMat, strElem3);;

    klabelsMat.convertTo(klabelsMat32, CV_32SC1);
    memcpy((char*)segMask, (char*), width*height*4 );

I have a segMask which is a integer array containing zeros and ones numbers from 0 to 150 I want to apply the gpu version of erode and dilate to it, but it doesn't work. The CUDA crash at the first erode. Why does it not work?