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How to determine the area covered by vehicles in a road

I'm a beginner in OpenCV and I'm having a slight idea on where to start. In my project I do have an IP Camera that is monitoring the road and I want to determine how much clogged the road is so basically what I want to determine is this ( Area covered by vehicles )/ (Total Area of the Road). My question is that, which OpenCV topic I need to learn/study in order to achieve this?

How to determine the area covered by vehicles in a road

I'm a beginner in OpenCV and I'm having a slight idea on where to start. In my project I do have an IP Camera that is monitoring the road and I want to determine how much clogged the road is so basically what I want to determine is this ( Area covered by vehicles )/ (Total Area of the Road). My question is that, which OpenCV topic I need to learn/study in order to achieve this?