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A way to ensure Canny runs in serial?

If I'm running version 2.4.9 on a Mac as part of a C++ project, is there a way to ensure the Canny function runs in serial, for benchmarking purposes?

I've looked around on this, and from what I've seen so far, it looks like you'd need to specifically make/build OpenCV such that no parallel libraries (like OpenMP or TBB) are used.

But I (a) want to make sure that's a correct understanding, and (b) want to make sure there isn't an easier way.

Thanks for any help!

click to hide/show revision 2

A way to ensure Canny runs in serial?

If I'm running version 2.4.9 on a Mac as part of a C++ project, is there a way to ensure the Canny function runs in serial, for benchmarking purposes?

I've looked around on this, and from what I've seen so far, it looks like you'd need to specifically make/build OpenCV such that no parallel libraries (like OpenMP or TBB) are used.

But I (a) want to make sure that's a correct understanding, and (b) want to make sure there isn't an easier way.

Thanks for any help!