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Extract a RotatedRect area

Can someone explain to me how you would extract a RotatedRect to a submatrix image. Basically, using something like cvSetImageROI to extract the inverted rectangular area from the image?

The Mat::operator()(const Rect& roi) only takes in a Rectangle not a RotatedRect.

rotated rect region

Extract a RotatedRect area

Can someone explain to me how you would extract a RotatedRect to a submatrix image. Basically, using something like cvSetImageROI to extract the inverted rectangular area from the image?

The Mat::operator()(const Rect& roi) only takes in a Rectangle not a RotatedRect.

rotated rect region

Extract a RotatedRect area

Can someone explain to me how you would extract a RotatedRect to a submatrix image. Basically, using something like cvSetImageROI to extract the inverted rectangular area from the image?

The Mat::operator()(const Rect& roi) only takes in a Rectangle not a RotatedRect.

rotated rect region