include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">
include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">
include <iostream>
using namespace cv; using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc != 2) { cout << " Usage: display_image ImageToLoadAndDisplay" << endl; return -1; }
Mat image;
image = imread("D:\photo\sab.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); // Read the file
if (! // Check for invalid input
cout << "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl;
return -1;
namedWindow("Display window", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);// Create a window for display.
imshow("Display window", image); // Show our image inside it.
waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
return 0;