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Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect RIO color

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updated 2014-09-14 17:19:50 -0600

berak gravatar image

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect RIO color

Detect ROI color

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect RIO color

Detect ROI color

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect ROI color

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect ROI color

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way