Hi everybody1 I obtain an image from my webcam and then transfer it to a gray image to process. Here is my code:
int main() { CvCapture *capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); IplImage *src = cvCreateImage(cvSize(50,50),8,1); IplImage *src1 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(50,50),8,3); while (true) { src1 = cvQueryFrame(capture); cvCvtColor(src1,src,CV_BGR2GRAY); char c = cvWaitKey(33); if(c == 27) { break; }
When I compile my program it's no error but when I Run this program then It will terminate. I don't no Why but I think the error happen at line " cvCvtColor(src1,src,CV_BGR2GRAY) " because if I delete this line then I can obtain image from webcam normally. Everyone can help me correct this error ! Have a great day :D