I have tried to work with OpenCV 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.0, 2.4.2 and none of them gave my any luck at all. I have Windows 7 64-bit installed in my i5 machine with L3 cache, 8 GB RAM, and 500 GB Hard Drive. I do this to integrate OpenCV:
1) Download the stable version from http://www.sourceforge.net
2) Download CMake 2.8
3) Add C:\OpenCV\build\x86\vc10\bin folder to SYSTEM PATH.
4) Make OpenCV files in a folder called "vs2010build" in OpenCV installation folder.
5) Open the opencv solution in "vs2010build" folder and then build all the libraries again.
When I am at step 5. My windows become really and phenomenally slow like the a browser window, file explorer window, or even the simply volume control menu in the task bar takes nearly a minute to pop-up. Ironically, it is only with OpenCV and no other Visual C++ Express 2010 solution or project will cause this mess! The problem was the same when I tried to install with Code::Blocks IDE and MingGW compiler.
I have been trying to draw attention to people of OpenCV community to actually investigate whether or not they have the same problem and if no, how do you go about doing it. People simply point me towards the OpenCV's own website but I am finding it really misleading. I want a solution to this problem by people who actually did it themselves rather than blinding pointing me towards OpenCV's installation guideline (outdated anyway). Most importantly, some of the important documentations and guidelines are not even quality controlled i.e. no feedbacks or productive comments that it actually does or doesn't work!
I have been following posts from <answers.opencv.org>, <code.opencv.org>, <www.stackoverflow.com>, and other possible Google Search Results but no one is addressing this issue. This is really serious for me I cannot work because of this problem now! I would really appreciate if someone can verify what I am talking about. Most importantly, I would be grateful if someone has pretty much the same setup of Visual Studio/Visual C++ Express 2010, OpenCV, and Windows 7 64-bit as mine, but DO NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM!!! PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!