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How to create a LBP histogram using OpenCV?

I want to create a lbp histogram in OpenCV for a picture. Is there any change to create a lbp histogram? Hope for Help..

 #include "histogram.hpp"
 #include <vector>

template <typename _Tp>
void lbp::histogram_(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns) {
    hist = Mat::zeros(1, numPatterns, CV_32SC1);
    for(int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++) {
            int bin =<_Tp>(i,j);
  <int>(0,bin) += 1;

template <typename _Tp>
double lbp::chi_square_(const Mat& histogram0, const Mat& histogram1) {
    if(histogram0.type() != histogram1.type())
            CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Histograms must be of equal type.");
    if(histogram0.rows != 1 || histogram0.rows != histogram1.rows || histogram0.cols != histogram1.cols)
            CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Histograms must be of equal dimension.");
    double result = 0.0;
    for(int i=0; i < histogram0.cols; i++) {
        double a =<_Tp>(0,i) -<_Tp>(0,i);
        double b =<_Tp>(0,i) +<_Tp>(0,i);
        if(abs(b) > numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    return result;

void lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns, const Size& window, int overlap) {
    int width = src.cols;
    int height = src.rows;
    vector<Mat> histograms;
    for(int x=0; x < width - window.width; x+=(window.width-overlap)) {
        for(int y=0; y < height-window.height; y+=(window.height-overlap)) {
            Mat cell = Mat(src, Rect(x,y,window.width, window.height));
            histograms.push_back(histogram(cell, numPatterns));
    hist.create(1, histograms.size()*numPatterns, CV_32SC1);
    // i know this is a bit lame now... feel free to make this a bit more efficient...
    for(int histIdx=0; histIdx < histograms.size(); histIdx++) {
        for(int valIdx = 0; valIdx < numPatterns; valIdx++) {
            int y = histIdx*numPatterns+valIdx;
  <int>(0,y) = histograms[histIdx].at<int>(valIdx);

// wrappers
void lbp::histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns) {
    switch(src.type()) {
        case CV_8SC1: histogram_<char>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_8UC1: histogram_<unsigned char>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_16SC1: histogram_<short>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_16UC1: histogram_<unsigned short>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_32SC1: histogram_<int>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;

double lbp::chi_square(const Mat& histogram0, const Mat& histogram1) {
    switch(histogram0.type()) {
        case CV_8SC1: return chi_square_<char>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_8UC1: return chi_square_<unsigned char>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_16SC1: return chi_square_<short>(histogram0, histogram1); break;
        case CV_16UC1: return chi_square_<unsigned short>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_32SC1: return chi_square_<int>(histogram0,histogram1); break;

void lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int numPatterns, int gridx, int gridy, int overlap) {
    int width = static_cast<int>(floor(src.cols/gridx));
    int height = static_cast<int>(floor(src.rows / gridy));
    spatial_histogram(src, dst, numPatterns, Size_<int>(width, height), overlap);

// Mat return type functions
Mat lbp::histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns) {
    Mat hist;
    histogram(src, hist, numPatterns);
    return hist;

Mat lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns, const Size& window, int overlap) {
    Mat hist;
    spatial_histogram(src, hist, numPatterns, window, overlap);
    return hist;

Mat lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns, int gridx, int gridy, int overlap) {
    Mat hist;
    spatial_histogram(src, hist, numPatterns, gridx, gridy);
    return hist;
click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2014-08-06 23:45:04 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to create a LBP histogram using OpenCV?

I want to create a lbp histogram in OpenCV for a picture. Is there any change to create a lbp histogram? Hope for Help..

 #include "histogram.hpp"
 #include <vector>

template <typename _Tp>
void lbp::histogram_(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns) {
    hist = Mat::zeros(1, numPatterns, CV_32SC1);
    for(int i = 0; i < src.rows; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < src.cols; j++) {
            int bin =<_Tp>(i,j);
  <int>(0,bin) += 1;

template <typename _Tp>
double lbp::chi_square_(const Mat& histogram0, const Mat& histogram1) {
    if(histogram0.type() != histogram1.type())
            CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Histograms must be of equal type.");
    if(histogram0.rows != 1 || histogram0.rows != histogram1.rows || histogram0.cols != histogram1.cols)
            CV_Error(CV_StsBadArg, "Histograms must be of equal dimension.");
    double result = 0.0;
    for(int i=0; i < histogram0.cols; i++) {
        double a =<_Tp>(0,i) -<_Tp>(0,i);
        double b =<_Tp>(0,i) +<_Tp>(0,i);
        if(abs(b) > numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
    return result;

void lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns, const Size& window, int overlap) {
    int width = src.cols;
    int height = src.rows;
    vector<Mat> histograms;
    for(int x=0; x < width - window.width; x+=(window.width-overlap)) {
        for(int y=0; y < height-window.height; y+=(window.height-overlap)) {
            Mat cell = Mat(src, Rect(x,y,window.width, window.height));
            histograms.push_back(histogram(cell, numPatterns));
    hist.create(1, histograms.size()*numPatterns, CV_32SC1);
    // i know this is a bit lame now... feel free to make this a bit more efficient...
    for(int histIdx=0; histIdx < histograms.size(); histIdx++) {
        for(int valIdx = 0; valIdx < numPatterns; valIdx++) {
            int y = histIdx*numPatterns+valIdx;
  <int>(0,y) = histograms[histIdx].at<int>(valIdx);

// wrappers
void lbp::histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int numPatterns) {
    switch(src.type()) {
        case CV_8SC1: histogram_<char>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_8UC1: histogram_<unsigned char>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_16SC1: histogram_<short>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_16UC1: histogram_<unsigned short>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;
        case CV_32SC1: histogram_<int>(src, hist, numPatterns); break;

double lbp::chi_square(const Mat& histogram0, const Mat& histogram1) {
    switch(histogram0.type()) {
        case CV_8SC1: return chi_square_<char>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_8UC1: return chi_square_<unsigned char>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_16SC1: return chi_square_<short>(histogram0, histogram1); break;
        case CV_16UC1: return chi_square_<unsigned short>(histogram0,histogram1); break;
        case CV_32SC1: return chi_square_<int>(histogram0,histogram1); break;

void lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, int numPatterns, int gridx, int gridy, int overlap) {
    int width = static_cast<int>(floor(src.cols/gridx));
    int height = static_cast<int>(floor(src.rows / gridy));
    spatial_histogram(src, dst, numPatterns, Size_<int>(width, height), overlap);

// Mat return type functions
Mat lbp::histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns) {
    Mat hist;
    histogram(src, hist, numPatterns);
    return hist;

Mat lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns, const Size& window, int overlap) {
    Mat hist;
    spatial_histogram(src, hist, numPatterns, window, overlap);
    return hist;

Mat lbp::spatial_histogram(const Mat& src, int numPatterns, int gridx, int gridy, int overlap) {
    Mat hist;
    spatial_histogram(src, hist, numPatterns, gridx, gridy);
    return hist;