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Python location variable issue

Hi, i used an example in OpenCV and tried but halfway through i got an error regarding a location variable that i put into the python script so that i can change the opening/saving the image in a location at will. However i encounter an error as i used c# to pass the location.

image description

image description

when i pass, it doesnt give the exact 2 backslash when i passed it in. Then i tried using 1 forward slash to pass it in , it then again convert to 1 backslash. However, 1 backslash doesnt work.

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updated 2014-07-31 01:22:25 -0600

berak gravatar image

Python location variable issue

Hi, i used an example in OpenCV and tried but halfway through i got an error regarding a location variable that i put into the python script so that i can change the opening/saving the image in a location at will. However i encounter an error as i used c# to pass the location.

image description

image description

when i pass, it doesnt give the exact 2 backslash when i passed it in. Then i tried using 1 forward slash to pass it in , it then again convert to 1 backslash. However, 1 backslash doesnt work.