I am doing a project on face recognition from surveillance cameras. I have used SURF for feature extraction, If I train and test using the same video it works well. But if I train using one video and test using another video with same people as in the first video it is not showing good matches. When I have an image of a particular person in my database I need to match that face with his different poses(wearing glasses,side pose,if somebody is covering his face) etc. So for improving my algorithm I have tried active appearance model(AAM). I have downloaded the source code from this website. But it is showing errors like,
/home/athira/project_images/neural/aam-opencv/src/delaunay.cpp:168: undefined reference to `cvGet2D'
/home/athira/project_images/neural/aam-opencv/src/delaunay.cpp:200: undefined reference to `cvCreateImage'
/home/athira/project_images/neural/aam-opencv/src/delaunay.cpp:438: undefined reference to `cvCreateMat'
/home/athira/project_images/neural/aam-opencv/src/delaunay.cpp:455: undefined reference to `cvReleaseMat'
/home/athira/project_images/neural/aam-opencv/src/delaunay.cpp:469: undefined reference to `cvNamedWindow'
Actually all the opencv libraries are installed, then also it is showing this errors. Usually I used to compile opencv programs using the below mensioned command,
g++ -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename backproj.cpp .cpp` backproj.cpp-lmysqlclient `pkg-config --libs opencv`
But I compiled AAM using the commands which mensioned in the url. Is this is the problem for showing these errors then how can we avoid those errors.