I am using C++ and OpenCV 249 in order to code a machine learning application. I have a .csv file with classes and features. I load it, save it to a Mat and then want to split the data into training and test set. However, when I want to access the ids of the two sets and save them to a Mat, I only get values between 0 and 255 (my original set has considerably more entries). The dimensions of the matrices are correct, but the values always stay below 255.
// load data from csv
CvMLData mlData;
Mat mlMat = mlData.get_values();
// split into training and test set
float train_sample_portion = 0.7; // use 70% as training
bool random_split = false; // true = random
CvTrainTestSplit spl(train_sample_portion, random_split);
Mat trainSetIds = mlData.get_train_sample_idx(); // !!! values from 0 to 255 !!!
Mat testSetIds = mlData.get_test_sample_idx(); // !!! values from 0 to 255 !!!
(I want to have a random split, but turned to random split off here)
I figured that the problem could have something to do with the type of the matrices, but adding the following did not solve the problem:
Mat trainSetIds(mlMat.size().width, train_sample_portion * mlMat.size().height, CV_32SC1);
Mat testSetIds(mlMat.size().width, (1-train_sample_portion) * mlMat.size().height, CV_32SC1);
Actually, when looking at the output get_train_sample_idx() gives, that are also only values between 0 and 255. I hope someone can help here.