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Assertion failed error python

Hello ! I am trying to merge two images by the following line of code :

mrg = cv2.merge((filteredImg, img, filteredImg))

When I try to run the script, I get the following error:

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed(mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth) in merge. (error -215)

How can I solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.

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updated 2014-07-14 04:42:56 -0600

berak gravatar image

Assertion failed error python

Hello ! I am trying to merge two images by the following line of code :

mrg = cv2.merge((filteredImg, img, filteredImg))

When I try to run the script, I get the following error:

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed(mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth) in merge. (error -215)

How can I solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.

Assertion failed error python

Hello ! I am trying to merge two images by the following line of code :

mrg = cv2.merge((filteredImg, img, filteredImg))

This is the first picture, 'img' This is the second image, with the filtered applied. In my code it is 'filteredImg' This is the expected result. I've got it in MATLAB and that's what I wanted to do in OpenCV too

When I try to run the script, I get the following error:

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed(mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth) in merge. (error -215)

How can I solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.

Assertion failed error python

Hello ! I am trying to merge two images by the following line of code :

mrg = cv2.merge((filteredImg, img, filteredImg))

This is what I'm trying to do (the first picture is 'img', the second one is 'filteredImg' and the third one should be 'mrg'. I've got these results in MATLAB and I'm trying to do the same thing with OpenCV):

This is the first picture, 'img' This is the second image, with the filtered applied. In my code it is 'filteredImg' This is the expected result. I've got it in MATLAB and that's what I wanted to do in OpenCV too

When I try to run the script, I get the following error:

OpenCV Error: Assertion failed(mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth) in merge. (error -215)

How can I solve this problem ? Thanks in advance.