Hi there,
I need to find global dominant symmetry axis of an input image using reflection/bilateral symmetry and opencv.
Any ideas?
1 | initial version |
Hi there,
I need to find global dominant symmetry axis of an input image using reflection/bilateral symmetry and opencv.
Any ideas?
2 | added details |
Hi there,
I need to am writing a project in C++ using opencv to implement an algorithm from a paper and one of the first step that I have to do is to take an image in input and find global dominant symmetry axis of an input the image using reflection/bilateral symmetry and opencv.
Any ideas?Reflection/Bilateral symmetry.
Here, in this image there are steps I have to do, to obtain the dominant symmetry axis:
I' ve already compute the first step, so I found SIFT keypoints and descriptor of image:
SiftFeatureDetector detector(0.05,5.0);
SiftDescriptorExtractor extractor(3.0);
std::vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
detector.detect(img, keypoints);
Mat featureImg;
drawKeypoints(img, keypoints, featureImg, Scalar::all(-1), DrawMatchesFlags::DEFAULT );
imshow("Keypoints 1", featureImg);
Mat descriptor;
extractor.compute(img, keypoints, descriptor);
Now, I have to find (starting from available SIFT points) pairs of locally symmetric points using a threshold of symmetry magnitude but I'm finding a lot of trouble because there are no examples or ideas to start with.
Luckily, for the implementation of the next steps I am following a paper (page 4-5-6):
that describes mathematically the technique to determine the dominant symmetry axis and I decided to write to you to ask if it's the right way or if perhaps there is a simpler solution to my problem.
Thank you for your helps!