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Usage of createTrackbar for QT control panel possible?


I would like to use the function "createTrackbar" for creating a trackbar on the QT control panel.

The info about this feature you can find here:

If I use "cvCreateTrackbar" with NULL as window everything works fine but with createTrackbar it ist not working.

Has anybody an idea how to fix this?

This is a working minimal:

#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

using namespace cv;    

const int slider_1_max  = 255;
      int slider_1 = 0;
const int slider_2_max  = 255;
      int slider_2 = 0;

Mat test;

void on_trackbar_1(int pos)

void on_trackbar_2(int pos, void*)

int main ()

     cvCreateTrackbar("One",NULL, &slider_1,slider_1_max, on_trackbar_1);

     //Not working:
     //createTrackbar("Two",NULL, &slider_2,slider_2_max, on_trackbar_2);

 while (char(waitKey(1)) != 'q'){}
 return 0;

Thank you very much :-)