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AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'boxPoints' in 2.4.9

There has been a previous question asked here ( but I couldn't get the solution working in my case.

I am trying to use cv2.boxPoints() in python. I am pretty sure OpenCV 2.4.9 does have this method as I compared the files changed in the following pull-request ( regarding the boxPoints and I find all the code rightly placed. Even so, my Vim editor also auto-completes the cv2.boxPoints() method.

But it throws the same error again and again.I have tried using OpenCV 3.0 technical preview too, but it has not helped. If there's anyway in which I can correct this in the current 2.4.9 installed in my system?

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updated 2014-07-09 01:36:59 -0600

berak gravatar image

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'boxPoints' in 2.4.9

There has been a previous question asked here ( but I couldn't get the solution working in my case.

I am trying to use cv2.boxPoints() in python. I am pretty sure OpenCV 2.4.9 does have this method as I compared the files changed in the following pull-request ( regarding the boxPoints and I find all the code rightly placed. Even so, my Vim editor also auto-completes the cv2.boxPoints() method.

But it throws the same error again and again.I have tried using OpenCV 3.0 technical preview too, but it has not helped. If there's anyway in which I can correct this in the current 2.4.9 installed in my system?