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Are OpenCV python images OpenGL accelerated?

Reading the OpenCV documentation, I do understand that a namedWindow() created with the flag WINDOW_OPENGLwill enable OpenGL support, meaning that in C++, you could feed the imshow() function with gpu data types, such as gpu::gpuMat.

However, when using an OpenGL-enabled namedWindow()with Python, will the numpy arrays fed to imshow() be displayed as OpenGL accelerated images (i.e will be passed to the gpu)? If not, is there a way to display OpenGL accelerated images in a namedWindow() using the Python interface?

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updated 2014-07-09 00:56:21 -0600

berak gravatar image

Are OpenCV python images OpenGL accelerated?

Reading the OpenCV documentation, I do understand that a namedWindow() created with the flag WINDOW_OPENGLwill enable OpenGL support, meaning that in C++, you could feed the imshow() function with gpu data types, such as gpu::gpuMat.

However, when using an OpenGL-enabled namedWindow()with Python, will the numpy arrays fed to imshow() be displayed as OpenGL accelerated images (i.e will be passed to the gpu)? If not, is there a way to display OpenGL accelerated images in a namedWindow() using the Python interface?