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initial version

OpenCL and GPU Functionality


OpenCV is ever growing and the OpenCL and GPU functionality is filling out nicely. There are certain functions, such as the LevMarqSpare bundle adjuster that are in the contrib module.

The contrib module does not seem to be as actively developed as the main modules. If i wanted to start changing some of these classes to support GPU and OpenCL, where would I begin?



click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2014-06-25 12:00:31 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCL and GPU Functionality


OpenCV is ever growing and the OpenCL and GPU functionality is filling out nicely. There are certain functions, such as the LevMarqSpare bundle adjuster that are in the contrib module.

The contrib module does not seem to be as actively developed as the main modules. If i wanted to start changing some of these classes to support GPU and OpenCL, where would I begin?

