Hi everyone. I've tried to compute SVD of an image by following code:
Mat image;
Mat U, W, V;
image = imread("pic.jpg");
Mat P;
//convert to float 64 for computing
image.convertTo(P, CV_64FC1,1.0/255);
namedWindow("Display P window", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
imshow("Display P window", P);
SVD svda(P);
//or SVD::compute(P, W, U, V);
program correctly executed and image has shown, but svd didn't compute. when I traced the code, I got following message at opencv svd function:
__vfptr = opencv_core248d.dll!0x00007ffed694ce50 (load symbols for additional information) {opencv_core248d.dll!0x00007ffed6602afe, ...}
My purpose is computing svd of an image and show image by change number of eighen values. Please help me. Thank you. Vahids