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Opencv. LBP cascade. How to exclude redected results at the same place

I have trained LBP classifier for searching cars top view. And i do not know how to exlude redetection at the same places during searching.

image description

I use this function:

cascade.detectMultiScale( smallImg, cars,
    1.1, 3, 0
    Size(30, 30),

Opencv. LBP cascade. How to exclude redected results at the same place

I have trained LBP classifier for searching cars top view. And i do not know how to exlude redetection at the same places during searching.

I saved a resulting picture, as you see one car is found twice: image description

I use this function:

cascade.detectMultiScale( smallImg, cars,
    1.1, 3, 0
    Size(30, 30),