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Retrieve HOG Detector scores

I'm using the default HOG Detector to detect pedestrians, such as in the code below.

HOGDescriptor hog;
vector<Rect> found, found_filtered;
hog.detectMultiScale(data, found, 0, Size(strideX,strideY), Size(32,32), scale, 2);

I want to retrieve the score that the classifier assigned to each sample. For instance, found[0] has 0.9 confidence to be a pedestrian; found[1] has 1.3 confidence score; and so on. I want them because I want to do a plot missrate vs false positives per image (FPPI).

Is there any way to retrieve the classifier responses for each sample?

Retrieve HOG Detector scores

I'm using the default HOG Detector to detect pedestrians, such as in the code below.

HOGDescriptor hog;
vector<Rect> found, found_filtered;
hog.detectMultiScale(data, found, 0, Size(strideX,strideY), Size(32,32), scale, 2);

I want to retrieve the score that the classifier assigned to each sample. For instance, found[0] has 0.9 confidence to be a pedestrian; found[1] has 1.3 confidence score; and so on. I want them these because I want will use them to do make a plot missrate vs false positives per image (FPPI).

Is there any way to retrieve the classifier responses for each sample?

Retrieve HOG Detector scores

I'm using the default HOG Detector to detect pedestrians, such as in the code below.

HOGDescriptor hog;
vector<Rect> found, found_filtered;
hog.detectMultiScale(data, found, 0, Size(strideX,strideY), Size(32,32), scale, 2);

I want to retrieve the score that the classifier assigned to each sample. For instance, found[0] has 0.9 confidence to be a pedestrian; found[1] has 1.3 confidence score; and so on. I want these because I will use them to make a plot missrate vs false positives per image (FPPI).

Is there any way to retrieve the classifier responses for each sample?