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Image matching in a large image collection

For some time now, I've been trying to make a detection system for detecting Magic the Gathering cards.

I've tried the most naive method. For each image -> keypoints -> descriptors -> matcher. On completion, match a collection of pictures taken from a smartphone. (I'm not trying to do the matching on a phone. I send the image to the PC, then return the results back)

I've tried every single one and the results are good but not great. I get a lot of false positives. What else can I do to achieve better results?

Image matching in a large image collection

For some time now, I've been trying to make a detection system for detecting Magic the Gathering cards.

I've tried the most naive method. For each image -> keypoints -> descriptors -> matcher. On completion, match a collection of pictures taken from a smartphone. (I'm not trying to do the matching on a phone. I send the image to the PC, then return the results back)

I've tried every single one and the descriptor/matcher setting combination. The results are good but not great. I get a lot of false positives. What else can I do to achieve better results?

click to hide/show revision 3

Image matching in a large image collection

For some time now, I've been trying to make a detection system for detecting Magic the Gathering cards.

I've tried the most naive method. For each image -> keypoints -> descriptors -> matcher. On completion, match a collection of pictures taken from a smartphone. (I'm not trying to do the matching on a phone. I send the image to the PC, then return the results back)

I've tried every single descriptor/matcher setting combination. The results are good but not great. I get a lot of false positives. What else can I do to achieve better results?