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FisherFaceRecognizer does it uses ANN

Hello i am using C++, VS2010, and opencv 2.4.8, and i can't find FisherFaceRecognizer documentation, im interested what kind of algorithm does it use? dose it use Artificial Neural Network? if no, is there another Recognizer with does use ANN and where to find documentation on classes and methods. Thank you guys in advance :)

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updated 2014-05-11 13:19:33 -0600

berak gravatar image

FisherFaceRecognizer does it uses ANN

Hello i am using C++, VS2010, and opencv 2.4.8, and i can't find FisherFaceRecognizer documentation, im interested what kind of algorithm does it use? dose it use Artificial Neural Network? if no, is there another Recognizer with does use ANN and where to find documentation on classes and methods. Thank you guys in advance :)