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VS2010 setting

Hello to all, I have a problem with the settings of visual studio 2010.

I followed step by step guide that I found on your website and trying the sample program I can compile without problems.

The fact is this: when I run the program, it gives me error as it finds the .dll libraries.

Guide on this step is not explained. Where and what should I include in Visual Studio? Could someone help me please?

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updated 2014-05-09 10:49:34 -0600

berak gravatar image

VS2010 setting

Hello to all, I have a problem with the settings of visual studio 2010.

I followed step by step guide that I found on your website and trying the sample program I can compile without problems.

The fact is this: when I run the program, it gives me error as it finds the .dll libraries.

Guide on this step is not explained. Where and what should I include in Visual Studio? Could someone help me please?