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detecting shapes that are placed on another shape

hi everyone.

i am trying to detect a shape like image below. i want to detect the circle shape and return its details. i use cvFindContours to do this. but this function return all shape as result. how i can separate circle shape from remained area?

image description

detecting shapes that are placed on another shape

hi everyone.

i am trying to detect a shape like image below. i want to detect the circle shape and return its details. i use cvFindContours to do this. but this function return all whole shape as result. how i can separate circle shape from remained area?

image description

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2014-05-09 05:06:21 -0600

berak gravatar image

detecting shapes that are placed on another shape

hi everyone.

i am trying to detect a shape like image below. i want to detect the circle shape and return its details. i use cvFindContours to do this. but this function return whole shape as result. how i can separate circle shape from remained area?

image description