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Logo detection OpenCV

I am doing project about logos recognition in input video. I have tried many ways but all of them give me wrong solution. I have used: -SURF/SIFT descriptors/detectors but the number of key points is too small and this fail - any other descriptors/detectors like FAST/ORB/BRIEF but with the same result - matching template, but this is not scale, perspective, angle resistant - i have read about HAAR classifier but this is not good for my project because the set of logos to recognise will be changing and in Haar i must to train with positive and negative images

Is there any other possibilities to solve this problem? The example logo

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updated 2014-05-07 15:13:59 -0600

berak gravatar image

Logo detection OpenCV

I am doing project about logos recognition in input video. I have tried many ways but all of them give me wrong solution. I have used: -SURF/SIFT descriptors/detectors but the number of key points is too small and this fail - any other descriptors/detectors like FAST/ORB/BRIEF but with the same result - matching template, but this is not scale, perspective, angle resistant - i have read about HAAR classifier but this is not good for my project because the set of logos to recognise will be changing and in Haar i must to train with positive and negative images

Is there any other possibilities to solve this problem? The example logo