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ld: library not found for -llibtbb.dylib

I try to compile some files from the opencv-2.4.8/apps/haarfinder folder only one file is added:

but i get the following error:

ld: library not found for -llibtbb.dylib Notice the double l in the filename.

I try to follow the tutorial here:

And in the comments i readed:

"After many, many hours of pondering and looking around. I decided to take it as a spelling error in some file so I decided to look into opencv files and search for that "-llibtbb" and finally found it. I corrected it to only "libtbb" and its finally working."

Sadly he didn't mention what file that was. I tried with sublime 'Find in files' but i can't find it.

Can someone else take a look or help me in another way? Like if i know where libtbb.dylib is stored i might be able to duplicate it and add the spelling error myself so at least the file exists.
