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Classification using SVM

I have problem with classification using SVM. Let's say that I have 10 classes, digts from 0 to 9 (or some kind of symbols). I can train SVM to recognize theese classes, but sometimes I get image which is not digt, but SVM still tries to categorize this image. Is there a way to set threshold for SVM on the output maybe (as I can set it for Neural Networks) to reject bad images? May I ask for code sample (in C++ or Python with opencv)? Thanks in advance.

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updated 2014-04-25 13:56:27 -0600

berak gravatar image

Classification using SVM

I have problem with classification using SVM. Let's say that I have 10 classes, digts from 0 to 9 (or some kind of symbols). I can train SVM to recognize theese classes, but sometimes I get image which is not digt, but SVM still tries to categorize this image. Is there a way to set threshold for SVM on the output maybe (as I can set it for Neural Networks) to reject bad images? May I ask for code sample (in C++ or Python with opencv)? Thanks in advance.