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could android activity get IplImage* object from jni c++ func

hi,expert i know native opencv c++ code could not include cvNamedwindow func and similar func in android platform.and i want to check my image result from native c++ computation in android to do?i guess there are some way to get IplImage object from jni function like JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_XXX_XXX_XXX_LibXXX_XXXMain(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) and if i could get the object in java activity,i could show it in activity window.any clue?any light?any way?I would appreciate all.thanks

could android activity get IplImage* object from jni c++ func

hi,expert i know native opencv c++ code could not include cvNamedwindow func and similar func in android platform.and i want to check my image result from native c++ computation in android to do?i guess there are some way to get IplImage object from jni function like JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_XXX_XXX_XXX_LibXXX_XXXMain(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj) and if i could get the object in java activity,i could show it in activity window.any window.


i read \OpenCV-2.4.8-android-sdk\samples\native-activity,it maybe a sample which show capture video in native maybe my desired sample. unfortunatly i could not compile because eclipse could find don't know why.I can find the package dir in path written in ,but eclipse could not find.i could not understand the sample native-activity.anyone understand native-activity?could anybody tell me how to show lplImage in native window?hope for example code line?

any clue?any light?any way?I would appreciate all.thanks