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OpenGL Interopt SolvePnp


I have just found OpenCV's OpenGL interop. :D

Rendering points to a window seems straight forward enough. How would i add control to rotate a model given the result of solvePnp.

bool solvePnP(InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints, InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs, OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec, bool useExtrinsicGuess=false, int flags=ITERATIVE )

My steps so far.....

Create an OpenGL array from a std::vector<cv::point3d> Create a window, with OpenGL flag set. Bind an oncall function to the window that calls render for the openGL array of points.

How do i apply rotations and translations.

1) To control the rotation of the model, and perhaps zoom. 2) Use the rvec and tvec from the solvePnp to so rotations.