I have recently compiled the newly released opencv2 framework for ios. It has compiled successfully but I have received linker errors for "split" and "merge" functions while using in my project:
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"__ZN2cv5mergeERKSt6vectorINS_3MatESaIS1_EERKNS_12_OutputArrayE", referenced from:
-[ImageProcessModule paintImage] in ImageProcessModule.o
"__ZN2cv5splitERKNS_3MatERSt6vectorIS0_SaIS0_EE", referenced from:
-[ImageProcessModule determineHUELimits] in ImageProcessModule.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
Any solutions to the problem?
P.S: I am using capture functions and roi functions in the same project. They are working perfectly.