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set fixed fps using openCV4android

hello i am writing an android app using openCV4android. the app is supposed to get information from blinking LED (binary data). i need to set the frames rate of the camera so i would be able to receive the bits correctly. The transmitter LED is set according to the camera fps rate. how can i set the fps (frames rate) of the phone's camera to a const value? or are there any other suggestions to solve this problem? thank you

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updated 2014-03-22 15:46:19 -0600

berak gravatar image

set fixed fps using openCV4android

hello i am writing an android app using openCV4android. the app is supposed to get information from blinking LED (binary data). i need to set the frames rate of the camera so i would be able to receive the bits correctly. The transmitter LED is set according to the camera fps rate. how can i set the fps (frames rate) of the phone's camera to a const value? or are there any other suggestions to solve this problem? thank you