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Can vision.cascadeObjectDetector calculate HOG, LBP features given a cascade.xml?

I have asked the same question on stackoverflow. I have created a cascade.xml for detecting face images using the opencv_traincascade utility. I am using LBP or HOG feature based cascades since they are much faster. And I do all my testing on Matlab using vision.cascadeObjectDetector. But I am unsure if Matlab is capable of understanding and calculating LBP/ HOG features for a given cascade.xml file.

Is this the correct approach for testing a cascade detector? If not, what platform should I be using for testing?

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updated 2014-03-18 14:05:39 -0600

berak gravatar image

Can vision.cascadeObjectDetector calculate HOG, LBP features given a cascade.xml?

I have asked the same question on stackoverflow. I have created a cascade.xml for detecting face images using the opencv_traincascade utility. I am using LBP or HOG feature based cascades since they are much faster. And I do all my testing on Matlab using vision.cascadeObjectDetector. But I am unsure if Matlab is capable of understanding and calculating LBP/ HOG features for a given cascade.xml file.

Is this the correct approach for testing a cascade detector? If not, what platform should I be using for testing?