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Histogram Equalization of color image Open CV SDK for java!

Dear Folks, I am working on an image processing app in android and I am trying to achieve Histogram equalization for color image. I could able to get it done for grey scale image since it has only one channel . Now I need to do it for color image where number of channel is more! Some one please guide me how do I proceed and I want to do in '.java' file using opencv sdk api, Imgproc.equalizeHist(src, dst) since few of the method in native is not working for me ! Thats why I am shifting to java !

Thanks in advance NSM

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updated 2014-02-28 00:32:45 -0600

berak gravatar image

Histogram Equalization of color image Open CV SDK for java!

Dear Folks, I am working on an image processing app in android and I am trying to achieve Histogram equalization for color image. I could able to get it done for grey scale image since it has only one channel . Now I need to do it for color image where number of channel is more! Some one please guide me how do I proceed and I want to do in '.java' file using opencv sdk api, Imgproc.equalizeHist(src, dst) since few of the method in native is not working for me ! Thats why I am shifting to java !

Thanks in advance NSM