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How to link opencv and other dll files to output exe of visual studio 2013

I am new with visual studio, opencv.

I am using visual studio 2013, opencv and c++ for my project.

I configured (copied path) the opencv and other library to my computer environment system.

After run the project in visual studio, normally, there will be an exe file in the project.

I can copy the exe file in the project folder and copy to other place in my computer and it will run normally.

This is because my computer environment systems are configured with opencv and other library.

I want to do the same thing with other computers BUT I do not want to manually configure each computer with opencv and other libraries.

Are there any ways that I can do to link everythings all in exe file after run the project in visual studio 2013 so that I can run the exe without depend on the path of libaries and opencv?

Thank you.